Contact Person: Griffin, Melissa

Collaborators: D. Zierden, M. Jagger

Institutions: Florida State University

Funding Agency: State of Florida Department of Health/Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Status: Funded

Filed Under: Human Dimensions

Abstract: David Zierden and Melissa Griffin with the Florida Climate Center are collaborating with the Florida Department of Health on a project involving climate variability, climate change, and public health in Florida. The project is called Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) and is receiving multi-year funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The project kicked off with a meeting of the technical advisory committee (chaired by David Zierden) on May 29, 2013, in Tallahassee. The Florida Climate Center is assisting in the preparation of a climate and health profile report and examining how various aspects of climate change can impact public health and disease risks.

