Title Contact person
Building Capacity to Assess and Increase the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Capacities of Vulnerable Communities in Southern Africa Putz, Francis
Climate information system for agriculture and water resource management in the SE USA Jones, James W.
Decision Support System for Reducing Agricultural Risks Caused by Climate Variability Fraisse, Clyde
Decision Support System for Risk Reduction in Agriculture: DSS for Eastern Paraguay and Rio Grande do Sul Fraisse, Clyde
Determination of Carbon Footprint Baseline for Beef Cattle Production Systems: Buck Island Ranch Fraisse, Clyde
Determination of Carbon Footprint Baseline for Florida Strawberry Production Fraisse, Clyde
Development of a Disease Forecasting System for Strawberry Fraisse, Clyde
Iconic Agricultural Crops: Climate Change Impacts on Peanut, Cotton, and Corn in Georgia and Florida Jones, James W.
Integration of NASA Models and Missions into Agricultural Decision Support Jones, James W.
Needs, Uses, Perceptions, and Attitudes towards Weather and Climate Forecast Information by Water Resource Managers in the Southeastern United States Martinez, Christopher J.
Reducing Forage Producers' Drought Vulnerability in the SE USA Fraisse, Clyde
Risk reduction for specialty crops in the Southeastern USA Jones, James W.
SECC-RISA: Science and partnerships for adaption and resilience to climate change and climate variability Jones, James W.
Southeast Navigator Network, Climate Ready America Program Geos Institute
Transition from research to operations for AgClimate, a web-based decision support system Ingram, Keith
Tri-state Climate Working Group for Row Crop Agriculture Bartels, Wendy-Lin
University of FL Carbon Action Plan Prizzia, Anna
Using Climate Forecasts to Predict and Reduce Residential Irrigation Demands Martinez, Christopher J.