(click on the header to expand)
Colleges, Centers and Programs
- AgroClimate (UF/FSU)
- Carbon Resources Sciences Center (UF/CRSC)
- Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (FSU/COAPS)
- Center for Economic Forecasting and Analysis (FSU/CEFA)
- Coastal Hydroscience Analysis, Modeling & Predictive Simulations Laboratory (UCF)
- College of Agriculture and Food Sciences (FAMU/CAFS)
- College of Arts and Sciences (FSU/CAS)
- College of Engineering (UF/COE)
- College of Law (FSU/LAW)
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (UF/CLAS)
- College of Marine Science (USF)
- Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (UF)
- Department of Biology (UCF)
- Department of Earth and Environment (FIU)
- Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science (FSU/EOAS)
- Department of Politics and International Relations (FIU)
- Emerging Pathogens Institute (UF/EPI)
- Florida Center for Environmental Studies (FAU)
- Florida Climate Center (FSU)
- Florida Energy Systems Consortium (UF/FESC)
- Florida Institute for Sustainable Energy (UF/FISE)
- Florida Sea Grant College Program (FSG)
- Institute for Energy Systems, Economics and Sustainability (FSU/IESES)
- Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS)
- Northern Gulf Institute (NGI - FSU and other universities)
- Patel Center for Global Solutions (USF)
- The Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (UM)
- Sea Level Solutions Center (FIU)
- Southeast Climate Consortium (SECC - UF and FSU)
- Sustainability Institute (FAMU)
- UF Office of Sustainability (UF/OS)
- UF Water Institute (UF/WI)
Educational Resources
- Alliance for Climate Education
- Center for Multiscale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes (CMMAP)
- Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE SouthEast)
- CLEAN: The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network
- Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Module (UF/IFAS)
- Climate Change Education Roundtable (National Academies)
- Climate Change Science Compendium 2009 (United Nations Environment Programme)
- Climate and Health Webinars (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Climate Modeling 101
- ClimateChangeLIVE
- Ecosytems: Climatology and Weather Reference Guide (Library of Congress)
- Global Carbon Atlas (Global Carbon Project)
- Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet (NASA)
- Global Education Lab (University of Florida)
- Catlin Global Reef Record (Global Change Institute)
- Global Systems Science (University of California, Berkeley)
- National Ocean Service Education (NOAA)
- NOAA Climate Program Office: Outreach and Education
- Sea Level Change: Observations from Space (NASA)
- Spark: UCAR Science Education (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)
- Teaching Climate/Energy Law & Policy (Johns Hopkins University)
- U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit (NOAA and Other Federal Agencies)
Federal Organizations
- National Aeronautics and Spatial Administration (NASA) - Global Climate Change
- Earth Observatory
- The Earth Observing System
- US Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Climate Change
- Climate Hubs
- US Geological Service (USGS) - Climate Change Science
- Woodshole Coastal and Marine Science Center
- US Department of Energy (DOE) - Climate Change
- Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Regional Resources: EPA Region 4 (Southeast) | Coastal Toolkit | Climate Ready Estuaries | U.S. EPA
- US Global Change Research Program
- US Group on Earth Observations
- US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Climate Prediction Center
- Climate Services
- Earth System Research Laboratory
- Mauna Loa Observatory
- National Weather Service Southern Region
- National Weather Service Forecast Office
- National Hurricane Center
- Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (NOAA-RISA)
- Southeast River Forecast Center
- Southeast Regional Climate Center
- US National Science Foundation (NSF) - Office of Integrative Activities - Programs - Science and Technology Centers (STC)
- US Navy - Naval Research Laboratory
International Organizations
- Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS - CGIAR)
- Food and Agriculture Organization - Climate Change
- Global Carbon Project
- Global Environmental Change and Food Systems
- Institute of the Environment
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
- The International Research Institute for Climate and Society
Non-Governmental Organizations
- ICLIE USA - Local Governments for Sustainability
- The Nature Conservancy (TNC) - Climate Change
- Woodshole Research Center - Understanding Climate Change
- World Resources Institute
- World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - Climate Change
Regional Organizations
- New York City Panel on Climate Change
- South Florida Water Management District
- Southeast Regional Climate Hub
State Organizations
- Florida
- Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS)
- Florida Climate Change - Department of Environment Protection
- Our Florida Our Future (Collins Center for Public Policy)
- Other States
- California Climate Change Portal
- Georgia's State Water Plan
University-Based Programs
- The Earth Institute at Columbia University
- Georgetown Climate Center
- International Research Institute for Climate and Society (Columbia)
- Oregon State University - Oregon Climate Change Research Institute
- Oregon State University - The Oregon Climate Change Research Institute (OCCRI)
- Purdue University - Purdue Climate Change Research Center
- University of Colorado - Center for Science and Technology Policy Research
Additional Resources
- Beyond the Basics: Best Practices in Local Mitigation Planning
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Natural Disasters and Severe Weather: Extreme Heat
- Center for Climate and Energy Solutions Briefs: Climate change 101: understanding and responding to global climate change
- Florida Oceans and Coastal Council Report: Climate change and sea-level rise in Florida: an update of the effects of climate change on Florida's ocean & coastal resources (December 2010) (PDF)
- Gulf TREE (Tools for Resilience Exploration Engine) A decision-support search engine designed to help you confidently identify the best climate tool for your needs.
- National Wildlife Federation Guide: Scanning the conservation horizon: a guide to climate change vulnerability assessment
- NOAA Coastal Services Center: What will adaptation cost? An economic framework for coastal community infrastructure (June 2013)
- Pew Center on Global Climate Change Report: Saving oil and reducing greenhouse gas emissions through U.S. federal transportation policy (PDF)
- Royal Academy of Engineering Report: Infrastructure, engineering and climate change adaptation - ensuring services in an uncertain future (PDF)
- World Resources Report: Decision making in a changing climate