Contact Person: Smith, Shawn

Collaborators: M. Schwadron

Institutions: Florida State University, Southeast Archeological Center (National Park Service)

Funding Agency: NPS

Start: 2013 -

Status: Funded

Filed Under: Climate SciencesEducation, Coastal Ecosystems, Human Dimensions

Abstract: The Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) of the National Park Service (NPS) has partnered with the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) at the Florida State University to conduct an assessment of the risks posed by ongoing climate change to cultural resources at national parks in the Southeast. Preliminary studies have identified modern, colonial, and pre-colonial atmospheric and oceanographic data that can be used to assess the risks to irreplaceable cultural resource sites within Canaveral National Seashore and Everglades National Park. At these sites, rising sea level combined with the exposure of the Florida Peninsula to hurricanes are the most prominent risks to cultural resources.

