Contact Person: Jones, James W.

Collaborators: C. Fraisse, K.T. Ingram, J.W. Jones, J. O'Brien

Institutions: University of Florida, University of Florida State

Funding Agency: USDA RMA

Start: September 2002    End: September 2011

Status: Funded

Filed Under: AgricultureClimate SciencesExtensionHuman Dimensions

Abstract: The overall goal of this program is to enhance and to improve the sustainability of the AgroClimate web-based tools that provide climate forecast information to producers and to provide risk management decision aids for use in the specified specialty crop commodities and forestry.

The specific objectives for this two-year continuation are:

  1. Develop an AgroClimate open source project and community of cooperators to enhance its sustainability and facilitate its adoption by other states.
  2. Develop tools, databases, and processes to update AgroClimate forecasts at a weekly or monthly frequency
  3. Analysis of North Carolina stakeholder characteristics
  4. Hold workshops in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama to better acquaint extension agents and farmers with the new AgroClimate and its tools
  5. Hold a final peer review panel to assess accomplishments
  6. Prepare final project report to RMA.
