July 27, 2018 (Source: Atlas Obscura) - Climate change is coming for underwater archaeological sites. For years, archaeologists have been concerned with what climate change (e.g., sea level rise) might do to archeological sites. Climate-related threats facing submerged sites include sea level rise, storm surges, violent weather (e.g., hurricanes), changes in ocean temperature and acidity. "One way to get a handle on all of these dangers is to track them. That can be tricky, because archaeologists and rangers don't always stop by to regularly check in on watery wrecks as easily as they do terrestrial sites, says Sara Ayers-Rigsby, director of the southwest and southeast branches of the Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN), a project based out of the division of archaeology and anthropology at the University of West Florida and Florida Atlantic University.
Read full article by Jessica Leigh Hester.
Photo: Wrecks stand to see a number of threats in a changing ocean. Here, NOAA diver John Brooks a ship off the coast of Hawaii. Robert Schwemmer, CINMS, NOAA/CC-by 2.0