The Advanced Component Technology (ACT) program seeks proposals for technology development leading to new component-level as well as subsystem-level spaceborne and/or airborne measurement technologies and techniques in support of the Science Mission Directorate’s Earth Science Division. The ACT program is managed by NASA's Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO). ESTO supports the development of a range of advanced observation and information systems technologies to meet the demand of future Earth science measurements, activities addressing the full scientific measurement process, and Earth Applications. This includes, but is not limited to, instruments needed to make specific observations, data systems, and information products that render observations useful to the scientific community in a timely manner.
This ACT program element solicits new component and subsystem-level technologies to support future instrument developments that support the objective of one or more of the Earth Science Focus Areas: Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems, Climate Variability and Change, Water and Energy Cycle, Atmospheric Composition, Weather, and Earth Surface and Interior. See ROSES-2024, A.1 Earth Science Research Program Overview for further description of the focus areas. The solicited new technologies could enable new types of observations as well as measurement techniques that improve NASA’s Earth Science program. Except the exclusions in Section 1.3, technologies may target any Earth science measurement(s) in order to advance strategic goals, questions, applications, and, most importantly, future missions or observational architectures as outlined in Strategy 1.1 of the Science 2020-2024: A Vision for Scientific Excellence. Proposers are encouraged to reference the most recent Decadal Survey, Thriving on our Changing Planet: A Decadal Strategy for Earth Observation from Space for science measurement needs for the next decade. These documents/reports should be used as guidance since future needs may require increased accuracy and precision, etc.
Application Deadline: February 18, 2025 (Notice of Intent); April 10, 2025 (Proposal)