The Climate Smart Communities Initiative (CSCI) is pleased to provide grants to climate adaptation professionals to create or advance a climate resilience plan or project in collaboration with a community that is on the front lines of the climate crisis. The community should be represented in the application and effort by a community-based organization and a local, regional or Tribal government entity. The proposed work can cover any step in the Steps to Resilience framework, and can be a new or ongoing collaboration. The funds can be used for a range of activities depending on the needs of the community, including climate vulnerability and risk analyses, planning processes, community engagement, project prioritization, and/or the implementation of projects.
The grants offer funding (up to $100,000 per award) along with training and technical support. These funds can be used over 12 months for activities such as risk assessments, community engagement, project prioritization, and initial implementation. Eligible communities must be in the U.S. and face significant climate-related challenges, considering environmental and socioeconomic factors. The application requires collaboration with a community-based organization, a government partner (local, regional, or Tribal), and a climate adaptation professional. A key feature of CSCI is the Registry of Climate Adaptation and Resilience Professionals, which connects communities with expert practitioners. The initiative will accept grant applications into March of 2025 and expects to announce multiple awards in the summer of 2025.
Application Deadline: March 3, 2025 no later than 8:00PM Eastern Time