Other Events

Advancing Coastal Resilience through Nature-Based Solutions: Weathering the Storm
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST

Course Description: This webinar will showcase two efforts aiming to understand the performance of nature-based solutions for shoreline protection during and after storm events. The two practitioners that will discuss their work are Lexia Weaver from the North Carolina Coastal Federation and Tom Ries from Ecosphere Restoration Institute.


In partnership with the California Central Valley Flood Control Association, the National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies (NAFSMA) will convene a cross-discipline mentoring session on flood evacuation and advance in real time forecasting is scheduled for February 26 and 27, 2025 at the Doubletree in Sacramento.

The organizations will bring together flood managers, city and county officials, emergency service professionals from the State and county level, as well as first responders, to learn from the lessons of others and gain insight into how to prepare and manage flood evacuations. The second day will focus on success stories of real time forecasting and discussing where public agencies need to go with this technology to reduce risk for our communities.


The Climate Leader is an online training in systems thinking to help fuel the global response to climate change. These materials will help you to be more effective at addressing climate change by enabling you to see the interconnections and big picture in your work. Behind the Climate Leader are decades of experience from the team at Climate Interactive and powerful ideas developed at MIT.


In this webinar series, practitioners will share information, results and lessons learned through recent work by FHWA/US DOT and State and MPO partners to make the transportation system more resilient to climate change and extreme weather events. The first track focuses on the processes used in the Gulf Coast Study, Phase 2 (Mobile) and transferable methods developed for other agencies to assess the vulnerability of transportation infrastructure. The second track focuses on FHWA's recently completed Climate Resilience Pilot program, which supported 19 pilot projects around the country to assess vulnerabilities and develop strategies to make transportation infrastructure and operations more resilient to climate change and extreme weather events.
