Sanford Berg

Sanford Berg

Distinguished Service Professor Economics University of Florida
318 Matherly Hall Warrington College of Business, UF

Dr. Berg's research has focused on infrastructure industries: the role of research and development in determining the basic industry conditions and the role of public policy in determining sector performance. Regulatory incentives shape managerial decisions regarding prices, facilities, contracts, service quality, and network expansion. Because of its work with regulatory commissions and utilities around the world, the Public Utility Research Center (PURC) has created a library of material on infrastructure policy and regulatory governance. Berg has examined the role of network industries in economic growth and the promotion of innovative approaches to improving water sector performance. Dr. Berg is the co-author of Natural Monopoly Regulation: Principles and Practice (Cambridge University Press). He has published more than eighty articles on infrastructure issues, joint venture activity, and innovation in the Journal of Regulatory Economics, Utilities Policy, and Water Policy. His eight articles in Water21 examine investment, pricing, and incentive issues facing regulators and water systems managers. Traveling widely, he has given presentations on infrastructure issues in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Belize, Brazil, China, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Uganda, and the United Kingdom. His public service includes membership on the Florida Governor’s Energy2020 Study Commission, 2000-2001. He is co-coordinator of the PURC/World Bank International Training Program since 1996. Over 2400 regulators and managers from 142 nations have participated in the two week program at UF. He has served as a consultant to the World Bank, New York Public Service Commission, Southern Company, and other organizations. He has been honored with a number of awards, including University Teacher/Scholar of the Year, 1998-1999.

Application Sectors

  • Energy
  • Urban


  • Economics: Natural Resources


  • Adaptation to climate variation by infratructure firms (water, electricity, telecommunications). Governance, information, incentives, project analysis.


  • ECP5702 Managerial Economics
