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Jonathan Lockman

University: Other

Position: Senior Project Manager

Organization: Other

Location: Montclair, NJ, 07042

Phone: (973) 873-7112

Website: www.geiconsultants.com/


Mr. Lockman is an expert in municipal coastal planning, municipal codes, town and city management, and in land use, transportation and capital improvements planning, with 30 years of experience. As the former vice president of Catalysis Adaptation Partners, and now at GEI, J.T has utilized the COAST software tool and approach to perform sea level rise and storm surge vulnerability analysis, as well as benefit cost analyses of adaptation strategies, for state agencies and municipalities. He has extensive experience in leading public meetings and in all forms of citizen engagement. Recently JT was appointed to a panel at the National Academy of Sciences Transportation Research Board, supervising research on extreme weather events and their effects on State Departments of Transportation.